Northeast Conference on Public Administration

NECoPA 2023 is a virtual conference hosted by NECoPA, Inc in partnership with Engagez to create an immersive virtual conference experience that will be held on November 2-3. The theme, Flexible Governance & Public Service in a Post-Pandemic World, recognizes that the events of the last three years accelerated the reliance of public and nonprofit organizations on increased digital governance (e.g., remote work, telemedicine, online learning) which transformed service delivery and working relations. But during this digital transformation the lines between work and life have been blurred, and residents expect the public and nonprofit sectors to deliver services at a faster pace, and during unconventional/flexible hours of operation (e.g., evening and weekend schedules). Public and nonprofit administration has been tasked with adapting and managing public service programs in this evolving world to ensure services continue to be delivered effectively, efficiently, equitably, and responsibly in both in-person and remote format.
